Regulate the Conduct and Proceedings of Council and Committees By-law 2-19
Water & Sewer CentrePort Debenture - 1-20
CentrePort Waste and Wastewater - 3-20
Code of Conduct for Council - 5-20
CentrePort Water & Wastewater Rates - 7-21
Indemnities, Rate of Compensation and Expenses for Council and Standing Committees of Council - 2-22
Use of Municipal Resource in an Election - 3-22
CentrePort North Wastewater Reserve - 4-22
Rosser CentrePort Water and Wastewater Rates - 7-22
Regulate Capital Lot Levies - 8-22
Mining and Transporting of Aggregate - 9-22
Regulate Maintenance of Property and Abatement of Nuisances and Unsightly Property - 10-22
To Establish Controls Over Placing or Depositing or Dumping Litter - 11-22
Regulate Proceedings and Conduct of Council - 12-22
Grosse Isle Rural Settlement Centre Capital Lot Levies By-Law 2-23
To Repeal By-law No. 10-10 - 5-23
To Open a Municipal Road and to Rename Certain Roads with the Municipality 6-23
Being a By-law to Repeal By-law No. 10-09 8-23
To Establish Rates, Fees and Charges for Various Services Provided by the Municipality 13-23
To Regulate the Construction and Maintenance of Encroachments 1-24
To Close Public Reserves A, B, C, and D, Plan 69325 in the NE 21-11-2E By-law 2-24
Grosse Isle Water and Wastewater Rates By-law 5-24
CentrePort Water and Wastewater Rates By-law 6-24
To Rename Public Roads By-law 4-24
To Levy Taxes for the Year 2024 By-law 7-24